Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Life has been an interesting journey...

I must say , who I am and where I'm at today has been absolutely amazing . Before i became a wife and a mom I had already seen so much of the world , and I thank my step dad for that . By the time i was 6 years old I had seen a side of the world that I would later go back to when I was 18 and 24 . I always felt I was unusual , different . My parents had split up when I was 5 , actually it was rather drastic on my fathers part , you see we had moved to Thailand , my father was thai and my mother was mexican -american and we had lived there for a year. It was nice , I got to know all my cousins , aunts and uncles , my grandparents , I got to see what it was like to be in a third world country , I learned how to speak thai and I learned Buddihism and went to temples and thought how amazing the gold statues were . Then one day , I didn't see my dad anymore , he had one day went off to work at the family business and never came back . My mother was sad , and knew he was ok , but she knew he was up to no good . After 7 months of not knowing what he was up to , my mom discovered he had had another family , another wife and other children . My father had told my mom that it was legal in thailand to have many wives and that he loved us very much and to basically excepted it . My mother being a strong american women who had alot of respect for herself and for me said she would not stand for that and we went back to America . I didn't see my father for many years and my mom ended up marrying , as weird as it was , my fathers friend who was also thai and had known me since I was a baby .It was hard for me at first to except my step dad , but he was very understanding to what I was feeling . He sat me down one day and told me when i was about 7 years old , that he knew that he wasn't my dad and that he wasn't trying to be , that he just wanted to be there for me if my dad wasnt' . I remember smiling and saying , " OK " and I gave him a hug and a kiss. I love my step dad very much , I never really knew my real dad after my mom and him had divorced , I met him again when I was 16 , only because he wanted me to give him a green card ,but I couldn't until I was 18 and well he never came back after that . I then went back to Thailand to visit again at 18 and my dad didn't seem like my dad to me anymore , he just seemed like a man I just knew . It was rather sad really , but i didn't have a heart toward him , I mind my manners around him and that was it .I have many brothers and sisters and they have never even come looking for me , I thought that maybe someday they would, but still I haven't heard from them yet . I am proud of who I am and what I am and where I come from . I am not ashamed for how my life has turned out and I thank my step dad everyday for raising me to be a really great person . He taught me to respect and be respected and to stay earthy and grounded and not to take anything for granted in this life . I believe in the Buddihist philosphy strongly , it is my back bone . I love life everyday no matter how hard it gets and i know its just a test to my higherself so its all good . I have met a really great guy who believes in the same things I believe . He is my soulmate , his name is Dave I love him very much along with my daughter Krystal Rose , who with Dave , have raised her in the same belefs and she's a wonderul girl .

1 comment:

ChristinaJade said...

i love this...

you are an amazing person with a great insight about who you are, where you have been, and where you are going

thanks for sharing you!